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If you’re feeling numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand, do not ignore and consult a doctor as soon as possible. There is a chance that you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment becomes necessary as it is an ailment that affects the hands and is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.

If you are taking it lightly, then there are chances that you are going into the lion’s den.

If left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to instability and lack of coordination between your fingers and thumb.

Looking at the consequences of the syndrome being untreated, it becomes essential to understand the basics of carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • The carpal tunnel is a small passageway on the palm side of your wrist. Nine tendons and the median nerve move through this tunnel. Tendons are responsible for controlling the movement of the fingers.
  • The median nerve works as a pathway for the sensations a person feels in the palm, thumb, index finger, middle finger, and outer border of the ring finger. It also transmits nerve signals that move muscles around the base of the thumb.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when the space in the carpal tunnel becomes smaller, as a result of which there is an increase in pressure on the median nerve.
  • In its early stages, symptoms may include recurrent tingling or numbness in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and outer border of the ring finger, along with aching in the palm.
  • People tend to wake up during the night due to numbness and tingling and have to shake the hand for long periods to ease those symptoms.
  • As carpal tunnel syndrome progresses, a person may feel he/she is losing coordinated movement of the fingers.
  • People may notice weakness in their fingers which makes it difficult to perform daily tasks.

Who is at risk of getting carpal tunnel syndrome?

  • The carpal tunnel in women is smaller than in men. This can be the reason why women are three times more likely to develop the carpal tunnel syndrome. The dominant hand usually gets affected first and produces severe pain.
  • People with diabetes or other metabolic disorders that directly affect the body’s nerves and make them sensitive to compression are also at high risk.

The risk of developing this syndrome is especially prevalent in those performing assembly line work like manufacturing, sewing, finishing, cleaning, and meat or fish packing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is three times more common among these workers than among data entry personnel.

From yoga to surgery, there are a lot of options available when it comes to treating carpal tunnel syndrome. However, take a note that the treatment that worked for your friend or relative, might not work for you. You may need to try out different approaches to get the relief.

Carpal tunnel syndrome tends to grow slowly and gets worse with time. But if it is treated in the early stage, it can be slowed down or rather stopped. Early carpal tunnel syndrome treatment results in a short recovery time.

Following are some alternative methods to treat carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Exercise:
    If you have mild symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a few simple exercises might help. To get the best results, perform these exercises along with other treatments, like using a brace and tweaking your activities so they put less stress on your hand and wrist.
    When you try hand exercises, remember this isn’t like going to the gym to lose weight. The “No pain, No gain” idea doesn’t work here. If it pains, take a break. Pushing it can make the symptoms worse.Two most common exercises are:

    • Shake your hands:
      As straightforward as it sounds, this involves shaking hands as you’ve just washed them and trying to air dry them.Repeat this for a minute or two every hour to keep flexor muscles of your hands and its median nerve from getting cramped and tight during the day. You could even combine this into your hand washing routine. You wash your hands frequently, right? Obviously yes! Hence, use your carpal tunnel syndrome treatment as another reason to wash often and kill the flu.
    • Stretch your arms:
      First step: Place one arm straight out in front of you. Keep elbow straight with your wrist extended and fingers facing the floor.Second step: Spread your fingers slightly and use your other hand to apply gentle pressure to the downward-facing hand, stretching your wrist and fingers as far as you can.

      Third step: When you reach your maximum point of flexibility, hold this position for about 20 seconds.

      Final step: Switch hands and repeat.

      One more tip: Be slow and easy. Check with your doctor and make sure that the exercise is right for you.

  • Over-the-counter drugs:In many circumstances, drugs can ease the pain and swelling associated with this syndrome. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other non-prescription painkillers may provide short-term relief from pain. Medications such as naproxen can help relieve pain and inflammation. Corticosteroids or the drugs like lidocaine can be introduced directly into the wrist or intaken through the mouth to relieve pressure on the median nerve for mild or occasional symptoms.
  • Relief injections:Corticosteroid injections can be useful for temporary relief from symptoms. This form of treatment is believed to decrease discomfort due to its ability to decrease median nerve swelling. The use of ultrasound while performing the injection is a bit expensive but this leads to a faster resolution of CTS symptoms. The injections are given under anesthesia. However, local steroid injections are used until more comprehensive treatment options are available.
  • Physical therapy:A recent evidence-based guideline given by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons assigned various grades of recommendation to physiotherapy and other nonsurgical treatments. One of the primary issues with physiotherapy is that it attempts to reverse years of pathology inside the carpal tunnel. Practitioners advise that any physiotherapy such as myofascial release takes weeks of determined application to effectively control carpal tunnel syndrome. Some claim that proactive ways to reduce stress on the wrists, which relieve wrist pain and strain, involve adopting a more ergonomic work environment.
  • Splinting or bracing:Wearing a splint at night will keep you from twisting your wrist while you are sleeping. Keeping your wrist in a straight position takes pressure off the nerve in the carpal tunnel. Wearing a splint during the day might help during activities that aggravate your symptoms.Many health professionals have a common suggestion that one should wear braces at night and during any activity that primarily causes stress on the wrists.
  • Ancillary approaches:Some people with CTS have success with alternative or complementary medicine. Always consult your doctor before trying any medications. Some options are:
    Yoga: Researches have shown that it relieves pain and increases grip strength.
    Ultrasound therapy: Sound waves are used in this treatment to raise the temperature in your hand and wrist. The heat can soothe pain and aid with healing.
    Acupuncture: Some studies have found that acupuncture helps with carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Modified activities:Carpal tunnel syndrome often appears when you keep your hand and wrist in the same position for a long time. It’s even worse if you have to keep your wrist bent. So, it’s recommended to keep it in a straight and neutral position. You may want to:
  • Take a break every hour and do stretching exercises for your hands.
  • Speak to your manager to see if he allows you to change your desk, tools, or work setup.
  • Try to use your alternate hand for your tasks.
  • Avoid applying much force in a task. Use only the amount of force that is needed. Avoid holding your tools too tightly.
  • Keep your posture right. Try not to throw your shoulders forward, which starts a chain reaction that makes wrist problems even worse.

As carpal tunnel syndrome becomes more critical, you may experience less grip strength because the muscles in your hand contract. Pain and muscle cramping will also become graver.

The median nerve begins to stop functioning because of the irritation or pressure around it. This leads to:

  • Slow nerve stimuli
  • Reduced feeling in the fingers
  • A loss of power and coordination, mainly the ability of pinching by the thumb
  • Permanent muscle damage in the hand. So, don’t skip seeing a doctor.

Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment includes medication and surgery. Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center is a health service provider who holds expertise in carpal tunnel syndrome treatments without surgery. Treat your carpal tunnel syndrome without any surgery from our experts! Contact Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center to know more about this treatment.


Excessive weight and obesity are severe problems in the United States. Nearly 69% of obese people are residing in the USA. The world is in dire need for weight management to make people healthy. A medical weight loss management clinic can be a solution for such a severe problem. They can guide you to lose weight with the help of medical weight loss programs.

Let’s learn in detail how medical weight loss programs can help you achieve a fit and healthy body.

  • Specialized assessment and diet planWith the help of medical weight loss programs, you embark on the journey of losing weight by getting evaluated and diagnosed by a certified medical professional. The doctor forms a customized plan based on your health requirements. Practitioner assures that you’ll still be able to enjoy food, by creating a program that can make use of the extra calories you consume.
  • Individual exercise plans and instructionsWhether you’ve been a couch potato or an active person, the doctor will provide you with a well-structured fitness program that will be both challenging and possible for you to complete. The plan contains the culmination of strength and cardio workout that will be beneficial during your fight against excessive weight.
  • Complete medical workupMedical weight loss programs curb the feeling of making choices for unhealthy food and exercise that can be harmful to your health. The practitioner will evaluate you for existing conditions that you might not be aware, such as hypertension. After that, the medical practitioner will give you diet, and exercise suggestions tailored according to your current fitness level and medical condition. The physician will update the diet and exercise plan when you start losing weight so that you can enjoy the weight loss for a long time.
  • Inculcating healthy habitsWith the help of a clinic, you will be able to follow a strict diet. With the passage of time, you will inculcate the habit of staying away from unhealthy food and taking the right amount of food at the right time. Such radical changes can aid you in making your lifestyle healthy. Your doctor who is committed to helping you in your journey of weight loss makes you accountable and organized.
  • Health and aesthetic resultsThe most exciting benefit of enrolling in a medically supervised program is that you will be able to notice your physical weight loss results gradually. You’ll feel healthier and energetic. Once your new habits become an inherent part of your life, you will continue to obey your diet and exercise plans. It will create a positive impact on your life as the ailments and problems you suffered during your obesity will be gone forever.

Going through a medical weight loss program can be beneficial for you in many ways. It can help you get rid of critical diseases. Moreover, it will give you a flawless and stunning body. Let’s learn about other perks of weight loss:

  • Better sleepWeight loss can help you get good quality sleep. Research shows that losing your body weight can help you sleep better and longer throughout the night. Moreover, getting rid of excess fat can also help alleviate sleep Apnea and snoring.
  • Less joint painLosing extra weight can stop the wear and tear of the joints. It relieves the burden from your skeletal frame and joints which translates into less joint pain.
  • Brighter skinSlimming down has a bonus in the form of glowing skin. Weight loss allows the skin to sweat out the junk from the pores, encouraging detoxification.
  • Stress reliefLosing weight, eating a balanced diet, exercising consistently, and getting sufficient sleep helps in most significant ways to lessen stress and anxiety. It enables you to maintain the cortisol hormone in the body hence reducing the stress.
  • Better moodWeight loss releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins trigger the receptors in your brain, reduce your perception of pain, and deliver a positive feeling in the body.
  • Fewer prescription of medicinesLosing weight reduces the medicine intake as it decreases your risk for health problems. It may take you to a fitness level where you won’t need to rely on prescribed meds anymore.
  • Reduces chances of high blood pressureSlimming down relieves the pressure on artery walls which allows the heart to pump the oxygenated blood efficiently. It reduces the chance of high blood pressure.
  • Eradicates a migraineLosing excessive weight from the body grants the heart to circulate the oxygenated blood to the brain. It reduces the inflammation and nerve dryness.
  • Reduces the chance of type 2 DiabetesLosing weight helps you absorb the insulin. Insulin is important to convert the sugar into energy. It stops the sugar to turn into fat which lessens the chances of type 2 diabetes.

By learning about the health benefits, you must have made your mind to lose the excess fat from your body. But always stay alert because in this competitive business many medical weight loss programs have emerged. They also make fake promises to lure clients. It is always better to avoid inexperienced clinics that make false promises like:

  • Lose weight without diet or exercise
  • Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!
  • Weight loss without any adverse effect
  • Lose weight by taking these magical pills, etc.

Stay away from such advertisements and clinics which showcase or display false information about weight loss. Weight loss is not an overnight procedure. It needs patience and determination. To stay away from fraud clinics, let me give you some tips that might help you in recognizing the authentic and genuine weight loss clinic:

  • SafetyA sound medical weight loss program will encourage you to confirm with your healthcare provider before enrolling. They will evaluate your health status by doing necessary tests to collect information about your health background.
  • CredibilityA quality clinic will always affiliate with credible medical service providers such as registered dietitians, certified fitness professionals, health coaches, etc. Always verify the business background of the clinic.
  • FlexibilityLook for programs that take your food habits and physical activity into consideration to achieve long-term success. It is necessary for you to adopt lifestyle changes after the program.
  • Realistic outcomes“Lose 20 pounds in 1 week” maybe a catchy weight loss phrase, but the reality is quite harsh. As mentioned before, permanent weight loss takes time. Consider it as a warning if the program does not show the data of weight loss and long-term follow-up participants.
  • Self-monitoringNumerous studies have shown that people who keep track of their food and exercise lose weight significantly. A good program always encourages self-monitoring as part of the weight loss course.
  • Sensible nutritionAlways avoid programs that are restrictive and pressurize you to waive off various food items. Moreover, some programs intended to give diet plans that make you eat foods combinations and in larger quantities. Restricted program diets are ineffective and can cause your body to starve for essential nutrients.
  • Regular exercisePhysical activity is the primary factor of losing weight and improving mood. It also enhances brain power and counteracts overeating. A quality weight loss program will always inspire you to find new ways to make physical activity interesting in your everyday life.
  • Believable claims and no pressureStay away from programs that urge you to buy special foods, supplements, etc. for a quick fix. There are no such magic pills to “melt your fat away.”
  • LongevityAlways ask this question while selecting a program, “Could I reasonably make these changes for the rest of my life?” If you find the program runners hesitant regarding the answer, then keep looking for a better medical program that fits your needs and preferences.

These are some tips that might help you in finding the best medical weight loss program.

Medical weight loss programs at Kennedy Medical Center in Wilmington, Delaware will help you lose weight and gain energy. They have a specialized team of doctors that will make your dream of weight loss a reality. The center is specialized in treating the root cause of the health condition. The motto “treat the roots and not the leaves” helps the center to achieve perfection in their treatments. Contact Kennedy Medical Center now and avail the weight loss benefits.


Have you ever wondered about the human body’s mechanism to treat itself through a natural process? Well, if you haven’t then you need to read this:

The doctors have discovered a new perspective where a body can reverse the damage or the injury and start its own rejuvenation process. This process is called stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy is a new groundbreaking treatment to heal chronic and even lifelong diseases. Diseases like cancer, arthritis or prolonged neuropathic pain can awfully impact a person’s life. And when it comes to neuropathy, only some of the underlying causes can be cured. Over-the-counter medicines and antidepressants can fight its symptoms but not permanently remove the disease. In such severe conditions, it is advisable to opt for stem cell therapy to treat neuropathy.

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy refers to the malfunction of the nerves or a damage in the nerves of our body. The nervous system of our body is responsible for our communication with the outside world and the control of the entire mechanism of our body. Moreover, the transmission of the signals between the various parts of our body is also carried out by the nervous system. When the damage occurs in the nervous system, the transmission of the signals is disrupted which leads to several health conditions. Pain instigated by neuropathy is called neuropathic pain. This kind of pain is debilitating, chronic and has a deteriorating effect on the quality of life.

Neuropathy – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

It can result from numerous diseases, injuries and health conditions like trauma.

Did you know? – Around 30% of neuropathy cases are due to the nerve damage associated with diabetes. However, hundreds of diseases are connected to neuropathic pain.

Apart from diabetes, the most common causes of neuropathy are vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases like arthritis, alcoholism, injury, and genetic disorders. Neuropathy is basically of four types – Peripheral neuropathy, Cranial neuropathy, Autonomic neuropathy, and Focal neuropathy.

Now, you might be wondering what all are the symptoms of neuropathy or how neuropathy can be identified? The degree to which a person is affected by neuropathy varies, but there are some common symptoms, which are:-

  • Loss of bladder control
  • Uncontrolled muscle twitches and cramps
  • Impaired indigestion
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Blurred vision and impaired eyesight
  • Restricted control of the limbs

In the extreme cases that involve lungs, breathing also becomes difficult which leads to lung failure. Moreover, neuropathic pain is also a common condition that affects the well-being and quality of one’s life.

Neuropathic pain is a very complex disease and its treatment is very expensive. Treatments of neuropathy include various prescribed medications, antidepressants, and therapies. In the cases like diabetes and vitamin deficiency, the underlying cause is approached rather than treating the symptoms. The presently available treatments treat only the symptoms to manage the pain and not the cause.

The pain from the neuropathy can be lessened if the patient takes care of a few things such as restricting alcohol, heavy metal toxicity, and extensive treatment of diabetes.

However, the doctors have a whole new perspective to treat neuropathy through ‘stem cell therapy’. Stem cell therapy holds a great potential for the future. It is a modern treatment option to neuropathic nerve damage and to reverse neuropathic pain. Clinical evidence suggests that stem cell therapy is the most effective strategy and a definite pain relief treatment.

But before we proceed with the correlation between neuropathy and stem cell therapy, let us begin with understanding stem cell therapy:

What is stem cell therapy?

Also known as regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat and prevent various diseases. Stem cell therapy has the power to improve chronic conditions as well as treat even lifelong diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Now, you might be thinking that how does this miraculous therapy work? So, here it goes:-

The human body has an innate ability to heal itself. Stem cells have great potential for tissue regeneration and repair. Under stem cell therapy, stem cells from the patient’s body are extracted, then they are processed and implanted back into the patient’s body. The implanted stem cells then proliferate into similar kind of cells to perform a specific function and the healing process is thus initiated.

The stem cell therapy directly treats the nerves that are damaged rather than working on the symptoms or alleviating the pain.

The process of stem cell therapy for neuropathy:

Stem cells have an ability to differentiate into the specialized cells. They can multiply into a similar kind of infinite cells to perform a specific function. It is interesting to know that a stem cell can become any one of the 220 different cells in the body.

This special ability of stem cells is helpful to create multiple cells of the kind of cells that are damaged and require the healing process.

Step 1 – Sampling- The primary step to stem cell therapy is to take sample cells from the fatty tissues of the body. Stem cells are harvested from any part of the body like stomach or legs.

Step 2 – Process – These stem cells are then processed with an aim to separate the adult stem cells from the remaining cells. Adult stem cells are the cells that have the potential to convert into any type of cells.

Step 3 – Stromal Vascular Fraction – SVF are the end product or, in other words, the concentrated stem cells. SVFs are the stem cells that are injected back into the patient’s body. When injected, they automatically reach the patient’s diseased body area and start the regeneration process. The damaged areas of the body release growth factors and then the SVF or the concentrated adult stem cells are drawn to the area of injury or the disease.

Step 4 – Injection in the damaged nerves – With the help of a small needle, SVFs are injected about 1 centimeter deep directly into the areas of damaged nerves.

Responses usually start after a few weeks or months of the treatment. The treatment suggests consistent 3-6 sessions of the therapy. The success of stem cell therapy leads to functional improvement combined by a shortened recovery time. The good news is that the therapy results in positive outcomes without the intervention of the surgery.

Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity and is rapidly expanding. The regrowth of the brain cells and improvements in neurological functions have been drastic with stem cell therapy. It is preferred to treat neuropathic pain because:-

Effective – Stem cell therapy treats the root cause of the disease and does not restricts itself to treating only symptoms. Stem cell therapies also hold the potential to treat diseases for which only fewer treatments exist.

Safe – While it reverses the neuropathic pain, stem cell therapy is totally safe and there are no or fewer side effects.

Non-surgical – Stem cell therapy eliminates the need for the surgery and there are no complications or risks involved.

Quick results – Chronic neuropathic pain could be the worst thing. But with stem cell therapy for neuropathy, the patients have to take around 3-6 sessions depending on the severity of the pain and considering some factors like age. But the results could be seen in weeks or months. The recovery time with stem cell therapy is very fast.

Add-on benefits – The best thing about stem cell therapy is that besides treating the disease, there are various benefits experienced as a result of the therapy. Improved skin texture, anti-aging benefits, and reduction in hair loss are some of the benefits of stem cell therapy.

So, go ahead and select stem cell therapy to get a permanent relief to your neuropathic pain. At Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center, we offer a complete healing environment to our patients. We believe in providing effective treatment as an alternative to risky surgeries and perpetual drugs. By staying updated with the most rehabilitative therapies, we offer the best non-invasive health care to our patients.

At Kennedy Pain Relief & Wellness Center, the diagnosis of neuropathy includes a complete physical examination and an analysis of the medical history of the patients. Alongside taking a medical examination of the patients, we also understand the functions of sensory nerves and learn about the severity of pain in the patient’s body. Understanding the cause of the neuropathic pain is also a significant factor before starting the treatment. Tests like EMG, X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans are performed to know the health condition. We also look for any hereditary links associated to a patient’s conditions.

If you are suffering from acute or a prolonged neuropathy pain, do not delay. Stem cell therapy for neuropathy is an effective solution. Schedule an appointment with Kennedy Pain Relief & Wellness Center today. We find the underlying cause of your ailment and eliminate it forever. With the treatment, we also give consultation, post-treatment, and home care tips to our patients. If you are ignoring your pain, then now is the right time to consult. Contact us today.


Hair loss mostly occurs in men. Hair loss is categorized into 2 types: non-scarring and scarring hair loss. Non-scarring is reversible, and scarring is not reversible. PRP is prepared from the patients own blood through centrifugation. PRP contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors. PRP treatment is a nonsurgical therapeutic procedure to treat hair loss. PRP stimulates hair growth in patients suffering from hair loss conditions. PRP treatments are a safe and natural way to restore hair growth.
PRP is directly injected into the area where it is required. PRP contains the patients own blood so there is no chance of rejection by the immune system. PRP contains platelets which produce plenty of rich growth factors. These growth factors can encourage the growth of hair follicles by stimulating the stem cells and boost the active growth phase. When the PRP is used on the scalp the plasma is rubbed or injected on the skin of the head. Men suffering from male pattern baldness and females with hair loss problems can benefit from PRP treatments. PRP promotes hair growth and provides strength to the hair follicles.
Procedure: scalp is treated with a micro-needling technique. The skin is numbed during the procedure. The patient feels minimal discomfort. PRP when injected starts the healing process and your body starts responding to the perceived damage. PRP stimulates newly implanted hair follicles.
Advantages of PRP for hair loss:
PRP treatment is gaining popularity in the cosmetic industry. It is an effective, safe, convenient, risk-free, affordable, FDA approved and a reliable treatment to mitigate hair loss and to treat a variety of anti-aging functions. PRP has great potential to activate the hair restoration process.
Risks of PRP for hair loss:
Your doctor examines all your medical reports and any medications you may be taking before initiating the procedure. You may not be the right candidate for PRP treatment’s if you have following conditions

  • History of drug abuse or alcohol
  • Heavy smoking habit
  • Taking blood thinners
  • Thyroid disease
  • Low platelet count
  • Sepsis
  • Systemic disorders
  • Platelet dysfunction syndrome
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • Hemodynamic instability
  • Chronic skin disease
  • Cancer

Side effects of PRP for hair loss
No severe side effects are reported because the patient’s own blood is used which is naturally compatible with the body. PRP therapy involves treatment with your own blood in your scalp so you have no risk of getting a communicable disease. But on the other hand, any therapy involving injection may cause some side effects. Possible side effects of PRP for hair loss includes

  • Scar tissue
  • Calcification at the injection site
  • Infection
  • Injury to nerves or blood vessels
  • Some patients may also have an intolerance to the anesthetic used during treatment.

PRP is a great option to deal with hair loss. Although, there are limited clinical proofs for the effectiveness of PRP for hair loss there are many patients who believe that PRP is an effective and safe way to stimulate new hair growth and reverse hair loss. Consult your doctor to know the right treatment or combination of treatments that are best for you.


Erectile dysfunctions:
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection to have sexual interaction. Sometimes it is also referred to as impotence. Occasional erectile dysfunction is common. During the stressful times, any man can experience the issue. But consistent erectile dysfunction is a sign of a health condition that requires treatment. Erectile dysfunction may also be a sign of relationships or emotional problems which need to be addressed by a professional.
Causes of erectile dysfunction may include smoking, alcohol, drug, relationship issues, anxiety, stress, and age, being overweight, damage due to surgery or cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and emotional disorders. It can be caused by any one of these factors. So it is important to check with your doctor so that they can find out the cause and treat the underlying medical condition.
Initial symptoms:
You may have ED if you consistently have:

  • Reduced interest in sex
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities
  • Trouble getting an erection

If any of these symptoms lasted for more than 2 months you need to seek a doctor.
Signs of erectile dysfunction:
Frequent symptoms are difficulty achieving an adequate erection, inability to sustain an erection, inability to have an erection. Rare symptoms are low levels of testosterone, anorgasmia i.e. Failure to become aroused even after sufficient stimulation, trauma to the pelvic area, dysfunction in pelvic floor muscle, reduced area, dysfunction in pelvic floor muscles, reduced sex drive or libido, inability to ejaculate, delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation. Other common signs are mentioned below.
No sex with your partner: if you are struggling to get an erection with your partner but having no problem during solo masturbation, this can be a sign of erectile dysfunction. This erectile dysfunction is associated with stress.
Unsatisfactory sexual intercourse: sometimes you may be able to get an erection with your partner but if it is continuously too brief or too soft for sex. It still means you have erectile dysfunction.
Night time activity: If your penis is functioning during your sleep it too indicates psychological related erectile dysfunction.
Diabetes: there is a number of health problems which can trigger erectile dysfunction but men with diabetes often have other chronic health problems which put them at higher risk to have erectile dysfunction. Diabetic patients can have problems 10-15years earlier than other people.
Excessive use of Viagra: taking unnecessary Viagra to enhance your performance exceeding normal levels may also put you at the risk to have erectile dysfunction. It can cause dependency problems and also increase the risk of psychological related erectile dysfunction.
Dental problems: according to study, men with erectile dysfunction also diagnosed with the chronic periodontal disease. 80% of men with these issues had dental problems. Poor dental hygiene can allow bad bacteria to enter the blood flow impairing the blood flow to the penis.

  • Inability to get your partner pregnant
  • Relationship problems
  • Low self-esteem or embarrassment
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Unsatisfied sex life


When individuals overuse their elbows while playing sports or in everyday activities, it can lead to having intense joint pain. Our pain management experts can give you a proper diagnosis on your condition and recommend a suitable treatment or program.

An overuse condition that we see often is tennis or golfer’s elbow. This uncomfortable condition is a result of inflammation of the tendons that attach to the elbow. When we refer to tennis elbow, this means that the lateral, or outside part of the elbow is affected; and when we refer to golfer’s elbow, this means that the medial or inside part of the elbow is affected. Both of these conditions can lead to loss of movement, making it difficult to perform daily activities, like chores or work.

Symptoms of tennis or golfer’s elbow include:

  • Pain in the wrist, elbow or forearm
  • Immobility of the arm
  • Muscle and tendon tenderness
  • Swollen arm tissue

Although patients visit our clinic to overcome discomfort from chronic joint or elbow pain, there are a few things that our patients can do at home for quick relief:

1. Resting the Arm
One of the best things that our patients can do to relieve the discomfort of tennis or golfer’s elbow is to let the elbow rest. Although it’s good to keep the area functional, you never want to push past any pain tolerance or cause more discomfort. Just go easy on the affected area and take the time to heal.

2. Apply Ice Packs
Apply ice packs to the affected arm several times a day to help minimize joint pain. You can use ready-made ice packs, or make your own with ice cubes or frozen peas and zippered plastic bags. Apply a thin cloth over the ice pack if it’s too cold.

3. Wear a Compression Bandage
Patients can also wrap the affected arm with a form-fitting compression bandage. The bandage provides support during injury. Make sure that the arm maintains regular blood flow to help the joint heal properly.

4. Massage the Arm
Massaging the painful arm gently can help reduce elbow pain naturally by minimizing inflammation, swelling and stiffness. A patient can perform this massage on their own, or they can visit a spa to have a therapist perform a massage.

5. Take Pain Relievers
By taking aspirin or other store-bought pain relievers, it is possible to have less joint pain while performing basic activities. However, we never want our patients to be dependent on medication, so this should only be seen as a temporary relief method.

6. Applications of Heat
Some patients find pain relief with heat application. This is a great excuse for a hot bath or shower. Other alternatives include applying a heating pad or a warm moist cloth to the affected elbow.

In most cases, the pain from tennis or golfer’s elbow will decrease gradually in a few days, but if the pain persists or gets worse, then we recommend visiting us at Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness. It’s time to plan a course of treatment – call us today at 302-754-3102


The neck is a delicate area that can have effects on the entire body. As such, an injury, stiffness or chronic pain in this region can have a dramatic impact on your mobility and quality of life. There are several underlying causes of neck pain. Below you’ll find 8 of the most common causes.

Causes of Neck Pain

The fragile neck area is fairly susceptible to damage and chronic pain. As such, discomfort in this region can either be acute or long-lasting, and may be caused by a number of different injuries and conditions, including:

  1. Muscle strains: Muscle strains are the most common cause of neck pain.
  2. Whiplash injuries: Whiplash is a serious neck injury that develops when your head is forcefully thrown backward and forward, damaging various structures within the neck, including the bones, ligaments, muscles and other tissues.
  3. Arthritis: Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. This inflammation causes pain and stiffness.
  4. Disc degeneration: Disc degeneration and disc tears involve damage to the spinal discs that cushion your vertebrae. While disc tears tend to develop due to a sports injury, age-related degeneration, and automobile accidents, disc degeneration typically occurs due to osteoarthritis, a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.
  5. Pinched Nerve/Disc Herniation: Disc herniation develops when the spongy cushions in your spine bulge outward pressing on a nerve – resulting in painful symptoms radiating from the neck to the shoulder, arm & hand with tingling numbness and shooting pain.
  6. Facet disease/degeneration: Your facet joints are responsible for the flexibility of your spine. They allow you to bend, twist and move freely, but they can become damaged or torn with repetitive movements. With cervical facet disease, you’ll experience pain at the base of your skull, upper back, shoulders, and neck, while lumbar facet disease may produce pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, groin, and thighs.
  7. Trigger points: Trigger points feel like knots in the muscle and are tender.
  8. Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal condition characterized by widespread muscle and joint pain with multiple “trigger or tender points”, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

Depending on the underlying cause, neck pain symptoms can take on many different forms. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Pain when holding your head in one place for long periods of time
  • Inability to move your head freely
  • Muscle tightness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headaches
  • Frequent cracking and crunching
  • Numbness and nerve pain radiating from the neck down to the upper arm and hand

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact our office for a consultation, you can book your appointment online or by calling (302)-476-2978.


The back is a construction that combines bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and many other types of tissue in one system. Without your spine and the structures that support it, you wouldn’t be able to sit, stand, walk, or even wrap your arms around a loved one. Many people fail to consider the health of their spine until their back pain becomes persistent. If you take care of your spine before a problem develops or seek treatment quickly, it is often possible to relieve the pain without relying on strong medications or risky procedures. Back pain is considered chronic if it has lasted more than three months. This chronic pain can temporarily diminish mobility, which inhibits the sufferer’s daily activities. Below are some common causes of chronic back pain.


Trauma involves an impact or jolt that shifts the spine or surrounding musculoskeletal structures. The source is typically a car accident or physical sport. Most injuries are soft tissue related.


Men and women who work in an office or retail facility often develop back pain.Sitting and standing for long hours hunched over tightens back muscles. The best practice is to adopt better postural habits. Regardless of a person’s height, weight and stature, a person’s posture should follow the natural curve of the spine and maintain upright and squared shoulders. If you find yourself sitting for longer periods during the day, it’s important to ensure that laptop and computer screens are at eye-level, chairs are positioned at the right height and you are sitting up straight and not hunched over a desk.


Abnormalities in bones and muscles can also cause back pain. The usual culprits are bone spurs, herniated discs or scoliosis. Bone spurs are skeletal projections stemming from bones that irritate joints or other bones. Herniated discs occur when soft centers in spinal discs extend out of their exterior cases, and scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.


Diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and other debilitating diseases distort human tissue and can erode this substance. The result is the bones in the neck and back rub against each other. For most people, it’s very painful. Consequently, age plays a factor in degenerative diseases.

Middle-agers and seniors develop these ailments more so than younger individuals. Since no cure exists for degenerative diseases, sufferers must adapt their lifestyles. They may need to lose weight, exercise, and avoid specific foods.


A strain occurs after back muscles stretch or tear. Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting cause muscle strains. Affected regions throb and ache. Application of a cold or warm cloth helps. If inflammation or spasm occurs, more medical care is necessary.

If your back pain has finally caught up with you and you’re struggling to reverse the damage, our non-invasive regenerative therapy treatment may be the answer you’ve been seeking. Here at Kennedy Health Pain Relief and Wellness, we can help manage your pain and get you back to living your best life. Contact us today at 302-754-3102 for a consultation.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or autism, is a group of developmental disorders that involve challenges with social skills, nonverbal communication and repetitive behavior. It is called a ‘spectrum’ since it is a wide range of conditions acquired by a person with autism.

The signs of autism may appear between two to three years of age. In other cases, young children may be diagnosed as early as 18 months and it lasts throughout a person’s life.

You may know someone, a friend or a family member with autism. You may notice that they appear to lack interactive skills. Some of them have constant social problems, limited interests and doing the same type of behavior repetitively. You probably also observed their inability to function socially whether at home, school or at work.

Children with ASD may lack mindfulness of their surroundings and interest in other children. You may find them often isolated and they tend to play alone.

Cause of Autism

The precise cause of autism is unknown, but it is believed that complex environmental and genetic factors are involved. Other possible triggers are premature birth and alcohol exposure during a mother’s pregnancy.

Symptoms of Autism

  • Delayed language development
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s emotions or feelings
  • Uses body language or facial expressions most of the time
  • Small changes in the environment triggers tantrums
  • Repetitive activity
  • Serious learning difficulties
  • Unresponsive to their name by 12 months of age
  • Rocking of body and flapping of hands

Diagnosing Autism

Children are diagnosed by the age of two. Doctors evaluate a child’s behavior and development thru comprehensive testing.

Older children and teenagers are evaluated for ASD when a teacher or parent notice problems on a child’s ability to communicate and socialize.

Therapy for Autism

To reduce a child’s difficulty during development, it is necessary to get early treatment and proper care. Work closely with a health care specialist to get advice on the right treatment program. Talk with a pediatrician and find an autism expert who can help create goals and intervention for the child.

Search for an autism support group. Share relevant experiences and information with other caregivers. Learn more about your options and improve your process of decision-making.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for ASD. Behavioral and communication therapy are used for the child to grow and learn new skills. Medications are used to control symptoms.

If you have a child or caring for someone showing signs of autism, see a health care provider to check the child’s development. They need a comprehensive evaluation by specialists for diagnosis and intervention.

To stay up to date on health topics, health maintenance, regenerative medicine, please continue to visit our blog at  or connect with us on social media at


Nerve pain has the potential to dramatically reduce your quality of life – leading to depression, sleep disorders, or limited mobility or functionality. Unfortunately, nerve pain is a common condition amongst Americans. Nerves are present throughout our entire body and they assist us in performing every physical task. Damaging a nerve can be as easy as damaging a muscle.

The most common form of nerve pain is sciatica (pain which radiates from the sciatic nerve). At first, many people believe they have injured a muscle in the lower back or leg as the sciatic nerve is in close proximity to these muscles.

Those who have chronic sciatica can eventually develop weakness in the muscles which are adjacent to the sciatic nerve. Chronic lower back pain can lead to decreased motility and pain can worsen over time if not treated properly.

How Will I Know if it’s Sciatica?

Because the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, connecting to a large portion of the lower body, sciatica-related pain can be debilitating. The pain can come on suddenly or gradually. In addition to pain, you may experience tingling and numbness anywhere from your lower back to the area behind your knees.

To determine if you have sciatica, a proper medical diagnosis is required. This will likely include an x-ray and nerve conduction velocity studies.

What Causes Sciatica?

Most often, sciatica results from a herniated lumbar disc in the spine which ends up pressing against and irritating the sciatic nerve. This is commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve.” Occasionally, sciatica can result from other causes such as a spinal injury, tumor, or pregnancy.

Natural Treatments for Sciatica Pain

At Kennedy Health Centers, we use regenerative medicine techniques to alleviate pain by targeting the source of the pain. We focus on interventional pain procedures which may include: trigger point injections, nerve block injections and more. For a complete list, please visit:

Here are some home remedies that may help in the meantime:

  • Alternating hot and cold compresses: by applying heat to the inflamed areas, blood vessels will dilate to relieve tension. Following this with a cold compress will minimize inflammation related to nerve pain.
  • Capsaicin cream: this cream contains the ingredient that gives peppers their intense heat. This cream will be absorbed into the tissues and send pain-prohibiting signals to the brain.
  • Yoga: by stretching out the muscles associated with sciatica, leg and lower back pain can be minimized.


Kennedy Health Center, in Delaware, focuses on the source of the pain in all their therapies, and using stem cell is one avenue used.

If you suffer from sciatica, nerve pain, or any chronic pain, give us a call and we would be happy to review what a sound pain management plan may be: 302-394-0113.