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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disorder that makes it difficult to breathe. It is expected that deaths caused by COPD will increase and become the third leading cause of death globally by 2020.

COPD develops for years with minimal noticeable symptoms. Symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing frequently, and chest tightness may start to develop through the later stages of the disease.

Here are the 4 major risk factors of COPD:

  1. Smoking

Smoking is the major cause of COPD, including second-hand smoke or ‘passive smoking’. If you are a smoker with COPD as part of your family history, then you have a higher risk of getting the disease.

  1. Indoor Air Pollution

Exposure to air pollution at homes such as using biomass fuels for heating and cooking may add to the COPD problem. This is also common to homes that are poorly ventilated.

The World Health Organization (WHO) stated, “Almost 3 billion people worldwide use biomass and coal as their main source of energy for cooking, heating, and other household needs”. Indoor air pollution from burning wood or other biomass fuels is projected to kill two million women and children each year. (from WHO, 2017)

  1. Occupational Dusts and Outdoor Air Pollution

At least 15% of the American population may be affected by these irritants. These dusts and irritants may come from manufacturing companies, automobile and vehicular industries, rubber and metal products, grain dust, textile and leather manufacturing, and even food and beauty products.

  1. Genetics

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD) is a common genetic risk factor for emphysema. Individuals with a deficiency of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin protein in the blood may obtain COPD. The absence of this protein may start to harm the lungs and may progress to deterioration, based on the COPD Foundation.

It is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) that every person diagnosed with COPD must be tested for Alpha-1.

Children with weak immune system and with repeated lower respiratory infections are at high risk of developing COPD when they become adults.

The disease process of COPD is becoming more complex. Constant study and improvement must be done simultaneously for better understanding. COPD would soon transpire as the most important disease for doctors to manage worldwide.

At the Kennedy Health and Wellness Center, we work with patients with COPD help find a manageable way to live. If you have COPD or feel you may have COPD, call us to discuss potential management plans today.


Keeping your joints in good condition is essential to maintaining your mobility throughout life. While there’s no guarantee that you can avoid certain injuries that may damage your joints, you do have control over the food that you eat. Whether you’re looking to maintain your joints, or you need some arthritis pain relief, here are five foods that can help get your joints in tip-top shape.


Fish that contain omega three fatty acids can help prevent arthritis inflammation. Some of these types of fish include salmon, mackerel, and sardines. If you’re not a big fan of seafood, you’ll be happy to know that just 2-3 servings each week is enough to keep inflammation at bay and improve your joint health.

Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants. Studies have found that this delicious treat is not only good on the palate, but it can also decrease inflammation. However, not all dark chocolate is created equal. You should look for products containing at least 60% cocoa content. Be sure to consume small portions to limit your calorie and fat intake. Feel free to enjoy about a half ounce each day.

Turmeric and Ginger

Turmeric and ginger have been known to contain anti-inflammatory properties, according to Eastern medicine. There are currently no recommended daily or weekly intakes; however, you can benefit from just using these spices sparingly 2-3 times per week. Add a little to your favorite dish, or try a new recipe each week. Be sure to use natural, organic spices whenever possible.

Green Tea

Green tea is high in both antioxidants and nutrients. It has properties to help reduce inflammation and decrease flare-ups associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). You should intake two servings per day, and this can be served hot or cold. Stay away from the processed green tea, which typically comes in powdered mixes. Whenever possible, purchase the tea bags, preferably organic.


Cherries are known for keeping inflammation at bay. Drinking tart cherry juice is a traditional home remedy for gout pain relief, and the anti-inflammatory properties can even benefit those who don’t have any joint disease but want to maintain their current joint health. Organic cherries are best, and if you plan to buy the juice instead, make sure it’s 100 percent and doesn’t contain any added sugars.

Before there was conventional medicine, people used plants, herbs and different types of foods to treat various conditions. Modern medicine has its place when needed, but sometimes preventing illness is as simple as eating the right kinds of foods. These five foods contain the “good stuff” to help you maintain healthy bones or to reduce the inflammation of a current arthritic illness. As always, check with your doctor before changing your diet, specifically if you have other underlying health conditions or if you have certain dietary restrictions.

Schedule a consultation if you would be interested in knowing how we can help alleviate your joint pain so you can live a more peaceful life. (302) 600-1198


Pain from auto accident injuries often doesn’t appear until hours, days or even weeks afterward. Many people walk away from auto accidents “without a scratch” only to suffer crippling pain, neck strain or headaches much later. It’s actually quite common for pain and injuries after a car accident to remain undetected for a long period of time.

Delayed pain happens because when you are in an accident, the body automatically secretes defensive hormones such as adrenaline that are natural pain-killers. In some case, people go into a state of shock after an accident, leaving them immune to pain or other symptoms of injuries. It’s only hours or even days later – after the body’s natural defenses wear off – that they begin to realize that they were hurt in the accident. With this knowledge, it is important to see a doctor for a checkup right away after an auto accident.  Don’t wait to be in excruciating pain.

Pain Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms you can experience hours after a car accident include:

  • Excruciating pain in the back, neck or head.
  • Difficulty breathing or inhaling deeply
  • Pain while urinating
  • Numbness or tingling that doesn’t go away after a few minutes
  • If you experience these or other painful symptoms, it’s time to seek medical treatment immediately.

Treatment Options

Many injuries related to car accidents are related to the spinal column. Car collisions can cause the spine to go out of its natural balance, resulting in dull pains in the back and neck, muscle spasms, headaches and other painful symptoms.

Fortunately, chiropractic care can address imbalances in the spinal column, discs, nerves and vertebrae gently yet effectively. In many instances, just a few sessions with a chiropractor is enough to relieve pain caused by auto accidents and other injuries quickly and permanently.

Get the Help You Need

If you or somebody you know has recently been in an auto accident, it’s important that you schedule a consultation with one of our professionals as soon as possible – even if you are not currently experiencing any pain.

  1. Make sure their pain level is back to where it was prior to the accident.
  2. Make sure all their medical bill get paid for.
  3. Have something left over for them.

We work with a team of attorneys throughout the valley that help make sure our patients get the best care possible.

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, don’t wait until your body is wracked with pain. Call us today at (302) 600-1198


Trigger points can be created when a muscle has been overworked or injured, and a little knot of muscle will develop causing pain in that general area. This knot of muscle forms when the muscle won’t relax. In many cases, you can physically feel the knot under the skin. Trigger points can cause continual pain and a lower quality of life. They can also cause referred pain that’s connected to different areas of the body due to the trigger point sitting on or near a nerve.

What Is a Trigger Point Injection?

When these trigger points are causing consistent, irritable pain, it may be time to start considering trigger point injections. Our expert practitioners will find the exact source of the trigger point where the injection should take place. This can be done by exerting gentle pressure to the trigger point to observe the muscle twitch. This can be done by hand or by special device. The injections are typically safe, low-dose steroid options and include local anesthetic. The steroid is going to reduce your inflammation and catalyze the healing of muscle tissue. The anesthetic is simply for providing pain relief.


  • Minimally invasive treatment for pain resulting in faster recovery time, lower risk of infection and other complications.
  • Several trigger points can be injected in one visit.
  • Treatment is done in one visit and typically only takes a few minutes.
  • Trigger point injections are used to treat not only muscle groups but also conditions such as fibromyalgia and tension headaches.

The actual injection will feel like a pinch and will only take a few minutes. Post injection pain, while uncommon, can occur. It typically resolves itself within a few days. Once the inflammation is reduced, massage therapy and physiotherapy techniques help to eliminate the pain and rehabilitate the muscle fibers.

If you would like to learn more about trigger point injections, or schedule a consultation, give us a call and set-up an appointment today! (302) 600-1198


Back and neck pain is most common among people between the ages of 18 and 64. Research indicates both conditions are common complaints at doctors’ offices. Although often soft-tissue related, they temporarily diminish mobility, which inhibits the sufferer’s daily activities. But before any treatment, there must be a diagnosis.

Below are five major causes of neck and back pain. If your condition is related to one of the following causes, inform your physician so they can determine the best path of care.


Medical professionals, especially chiropractors, see many patients following neck and back trauma. Trauma involves an impact or jolt that shifts the spine or surrounding musculoskeletal structures. The source is typically a car accident or physical sport. Most injuries are soft-tissue related.

Poor Posture

Men and women who work in an office or retail facility often develop neck and back pain. Sitting and standing for long hours hunched over tightens back and neck muscles. The best practice is to adopt better postural habits. Regardless of a person’s height, weight and stature, a person’s posture should follow the natural curve of the spine and maintain upright and squared shoulders. If you find yourself sitting for longer periods during the day, it’s important to ensure that laptop and computer screens are at eye-level, chairs are positioned at the right height and you are sitting up straight and not hunched over a desk.

Musculoskeletal Abnormalities

Abnormalities in bones and muscles can also cause neck and back pain. The usual culprits are bone spurs, herniated discs or scoliosis. Bone spurs are skeletal projections stemming from bones that irritate joints or other bones. Herniated discs occur when soft centers in spinal discs extend out of their exterior cases, and scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. Medical care for all three vary but almost always involves a form of physical therapy or chiropractic care.

Degenerative Diseases

Diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and other debilitating diseases distort human tissue and can erode this substance. The result is the bones in the neck and back rub against each other. For most people, it’s very painful. Consequently, age plays a factor in degenerative diseases. Middle-agers and seniors develop these ailments more so than younger individuals. Since no cure exists for degenerative diseases, sufferers must adapt their lifestyles. They may need to lose weight, exercise, and avoid specific foods.

Muscle Strain

A strain occurs after neck and back muscles stretch or tear. Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting causes muscle strains. Affected regions throb and ache. Application of a cold or warm cloth helps. If inflammation or spasm occurs, more medical care is necessary.

In conclusion, the five major causes of neck and back pain—trauma, poor posture, musculoskeletal abnormalities, degenerative disease and muscle strain—effect millions. Yet in most cases, there is a solution. Seeking medical care early is a key way to reducing the chances of complication and pain.

Call us today at (302) 600-1198 to book an evaluation or appointment for your neck or back pain.


Swollen joints can be a deal breaker when it comes to having fun. They are painful, uncomfortable and can put a damper on anything from the wildest of dance parties to the simple daily walk up and down the stairs. The cause of swollen joints is inflammation due to a variety of reasons ranging from injury to disease. Check out these tips on treating joint swelling at home.


Treat yourself. Treat your joints. A massage will help relax your muscles, in turn easing your joint pain. This may not be a long-term cure; however, few will complain about having multiple spa days in their future.


Go ahead and sign up for that yoga class you’ve wanted to try.   Over time, stretching increases flexibility and the ability to move. Yoga is a great low resistance way of practicing this. Plus, it has the added benefit of calming your mind. Something you may need when dealing with the frustration of painful joints.

Take a Warm Shower

Similar to the above-mentioned massage, taking a warm shower or bath can be simply relaxing. It also helps promote blood circulation, releases muscle tension and ultimately eases joint pain.


It is important to find a daily exercise routine that works for your schedule. It will help improve strength and stamina. There are also the added benefits of releasing feel-good endorphins and clearing bad toxins from your body.

Eat More Fish 

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help reduce swelling and inflammation. This healthy fat is found in salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, flaxseeds and walnuts. Try eating 3 to 4 ounces of fish, twice a week. If you don’t like fish, try a fish oil supplement.

These tips will help you manage your joint pain and swelling. However, at what point should you decide to go in to the doctor for a more in-depth treatment? If you are having any of the following symptoms associated with your joint pain, consider seeking medical attention.

  • Rapid swelling
  • Immobility of joint
  • Loss of function
  • Unable to exercise without pain
  • Severe pain
  • If you are frequently taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medications for joint pain

Call us today to schedule an appointment. (302) 600-1198


Do you suffer from back pain? Back Pain is one of the most common complaints heard at doctors’ offices. It is considered chronic if it has lasted more than three months. This chronic pain can temporarily diminish mobility which inhibits the sufferer’s daily activities. Below are some common causes of chronic back pain.


Trauma involves an impact or jolt that shifts the spine or surrounding musculoskeletal structures. The source is typically a car accident or physical sport. Most injuries are soft tissue related.

Poor Posture

Men and women who work in an office or retail facility often develop back pain. Why? Sitting and standing for long hours hunched over tightens back muscles. The best practice is to adopt better postural habits. Regardless of a person’s height, weight and stature, a person’s posture should follow the natural curve of the spine and maintain upright and squared shoulders. If you find yourself sitting for longer periods during the day, it’s important to ensure that laptop and computer screens are at eye-level, chairs are positioned at the right height and you are sitting up straight and not hunched over a desk.

Musculoskeletal Abnormalities

Abnormalities in bones and muscles can also cause back pain. The usual culprits are bone spurs, herniated discs or scoliosis. Bone spurs are skeletal projections stemming from bones that irritate joints or other bones, herniated discs occur when soft centers in spinal discs extend out of their exterior cases, and scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.

Degenerative Diseases

Diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and other debilitating diseases distort human tissue and can erode this substance. The repercussion: bones in the neck and back rub against each other. For most people, it’s very painful. Consequently, age plays a factor in degenerative diseases. Middle-agers and seniors develop these ailments more so than younger individuals. Since no cure exists for degenerative diseases, sufferers must adapt their lifestyles. They may need to lose weight, exercise, and avoid specific foods.

Muscle Strain

A strain occurs after back muscles stretch or tear. Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting cause muscle strains. Affected regions throb and ache. Application of a cold or warm cloth helps. If inflammation or spasm occurs, more medical care is necessary.

Call us today to schedule an appointment. (302) 600-1198


Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints.  This can cause pain, swelling, and tenderness.  About 350 million people worldwide suffer from arthritis.  About 40 million of those people are Americans.  Of those affected, over half are women.

Arthritis is commonly misconstrued as only affecting the aging or elderly.  However, more than half of those with arthritis are under the age of 65.  With these staggering numbers, you might be wondering how one can prevent this joint pain? Check out these helpful tips below.

Healthy Diet

As with prevention of any ailment, a healthy diet is always beneficial to your overall health and wellness. There are several foods you can add to your diet to help prevent joint pain.  The foundation of any diet should consist of fruits and vegetables.   Five servings a day is recommended.  For those of you who are not likely to do that we recommend Juice Plus.   In addition, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help reduce swelling and inflammation. This healthy fat is found in salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, flaxseeds and walnuts. Try eating 3 to 4 ounces of fish, twice a week.  Foods rich in vitamin D promote healthy bones.  In addition to your fish, try to add some more milk or cheese to your diet as well.

Weight Loss

Excessive weight plays a large role in joint pain.  When you lose weight through diet and exercise, you are able to not only relieve stress from your joints, but also increase muscle that supports your joints.

Stay Moving

The more you are moving, the less stiff your joints will be. If you are looking to get your heart rate elevated but want a low impact exercise option, try swimming, bicycling, rowing, and elliptical or even walking.  These are best options for protecting your joints.  In addition to these low impact exercises, you might want to try practices like yoga and Pilates.  These both help strengthen your ab and back muscles, which ultimately help maintain balance and lessens your likelihood of injury by falling.

Make Use of Your Stronger Joints

Do you typically carry a heavy purse or backpack? Consider how you are lifting and carrying heavy items. Allow for larger muscles and joints such as your arms to carry these kinds of items. Take the pressure off smaller joints like fingers and wrists.

Go Hands Free

As mentioned above, keeping joints locked in the same position for an extended period of time does not help with joint pain.  A daily occurrence like talking on the phone can prove harmful over time.  Try going hands free using the speaker or blue tooth features of your phone.

Call us today to schedule an appointment. (302) 600-1198